Driving school reviews

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Roberts Mūrnieks

02 May, 2024

Liels prieks, ka ļoti ātri izdevās nokārtot visus A kategorijas eksāmenus, pateicoties ļoti kvalitatīvai apmācībai! Īpašs paldies instruktoriem Jolantai Lazdānei, Vsevolodam Černovam un Aleksejam Andrejevam! Gadu iepriekš, šajā autoskolā apguvu un veiksmīgi nokārtoju CE kategoriju. Īpašs paldies instruktoram Dzintaram Pētersonam. Paldies visiem! Ļoti profesionāli!

Anžela Šeptuna

25 Mar, 2024

Хочу выразить огромную благодарность коллективу автошколы "Presto" за отзывчивость и профессиолизм. Особую благодарность инструктором по вождению Аркадию Кургану и Константину Надеждину, за их стрессоустойчивость, профессиональный подход к обучению, терпение и мудрость. Спасибо

Andrejs Vasilovskis

19 Mar, 2024

Очень хорошая автошкола. Для меня большой плюс в том что практически все можно устроить онлайн включая оформление договоров, обучение, экзамен по теории, даже запись на вождение. Онлайн лекции по теории очень информативные, без ненужных отступлений и словесного мусора, плюс обучатся можно в комфортном для себя режиме. За уроки вождения огромная благодарность инструктору Сергею Степанову.

Diāna Oleiņičenko

09 Mar, 2024

Šajā autoskolā ļoti patika pats sākums! Lieliska mājaslapa / platforma, kur sekot līdzi apmācību procesam, izmaksām, u.c. būtiskai informācijai, kā arī superīga online apmācību kārtība, kur katrs pats var pielāgot zināšanu apgūšanas ritmu. Arī administrācijā strādā ļoti atsaucīgi un laipni darbinieki. Tomēr ir arī nepatīkamie momenti un rūgtums par praktisko nodarbību gaitu. Sekojot Presto ieteikumam, izvēlējos braukt ar dažādiem instruktoriem un tā bija liela kļūda. Kad pamainīju instruktoru, bija jūtama neapmierinātība un pārmests par “staigāšanu”. Ieteiktu pārējiem kursantiem nepieļaut manas kļūdas un labāk mācīties pie viena instruktora. Presto vadībai ieteiktu autoskolas noteikumus saskaņot ar saviem darbiniekiem, lai kursantam nav jāklausās pārmetumi, sekojot pašas iestādes ieteikumiem. Braucu pie trīs dažādiem instruktoriem, kas sākumā likās sakarīgi, tomēr rezultāts nesekoja (kopumā nobrauktas 15 nodarbības). Kad mani nosūtīja uz eksāmenu, citi instruktori bija šokā par iemācīto un klaji smīkņāja par saviem kolēģiem, norādot uz viņu nekompetenci. Neliekas ētiski, ka instruktori kursanta priekšā paši “norok” savējos. Rezultātā nomainīju autoskolu un vēl ilgi cīnījos ar “kļūdu labošanu” un nepareizu pamatu ielikšanu. Tiesības iegūtas, bet rūgtums par braukšanu pieredzi palicis.

Alda Lapina

08 Mar, 2024

Desmit obligāto braukšanas nodarbìbu laikā sanāca braukt ar četriem instruktoriem, tikai divi no četriem norādija uz kļūdām. Nesaukšu uzvārdus, bet viens īpaši paliks atmiņā, jo regulāri atteica nodarbìbas, braukšanas reizēs bakstìjās telefonā. Jautrìbas sākās kad uzsākām skolas eksāmena kārtošanu, tad izrādìjās daudz kĺūdu! Vienìgais instruktors (no 6) kam gribu pateikties par profesionālo darbu un ieguldíjumu ir Rauls Eglìtis.

Ernests Zagorskis

26 Feb, 2024

Liels paldies instrukoram Aigaram Salgus par pacietību un visu āķīgo vietu parādīšanu. Pat ja bija sajūta, ka nebija progresa instruktors pierādīja pretēji.

Ieva Irbe

23 Feb, 2024

Ļoti laba autoskola teorijas apmācībā, tās organizēšanā, kā arī laba Latvijas teritorijas pieejamība braukšanām. Braukšanas apmācību istruktoriem Rīgā (dažiem vismaz 3 ar kuriem braucu) gan vajadzētu padomāt pie apmācību kvalitātes, jo ja viņi ir augsti sertificēti instruktori, tad jāmāca ir vienlīdzīgi nevis katram dažādi viena un tā pati lieta. Manuprāt starp vairākiem instruktoriem ir apmācību līmenis ir viduvējs. Instruktoriem apmācību laikā nebūtu jāsēž iepazīšanās portālos un jāuzdod man jautājumi ar ko nodarbojos un ar ko nodarbojas mans vīrs, tik pat labi varēja uzlikt rokas uz celīti un parādīt kā jāspaida pedāļi. 🤢😡 Braukšanas stundas no instruktoriem netika savadītas csdd datu bāzē, par ko nācās jau sudzēties. Braukšanas pieejamības grafiki instruktoriem tika izlikti haotiski, pēc viņu pašu vēlmēm, ja nepaspēj, tad nepaspēj pieteikties uz nodarbību. Skolu iesaku teorijai tiešām, braukšanai noteikti nē. Neredzu jēgu autoskolai komentēt manu atsauksmi jo viņi neregulē braukšanas atmosfēru mašīnā kopā ar instruktoriem. Autoskolu galīgi neiesaku. Cenu ziņā dārgākā visā Rīgā manšķiet. 

Presto Autoskola

11 Mar, 2024

Paldies par noderīgu komentāru! Jūs pareizi norādat, ka tirgū eksistē tikai viena prakse - katrs instruktors piedāvā individuālu apmācības programmu, kas atšķiras. Mēs vistuvākā laikā vienīgie Latvijā piedāvāsim autoskolas programmu, kura regulēs apmācību kopumā. Nevajadzētu jaukt gan zināšanas (kvalifikāciju) ar attieksmi pret pašu darbu. Jūs varējāt sodīt šādu attieksmi ar cita instruktora izvēli (balso ar naudu). Mēs esam indentificējuši un pārtraukuši sadarbību ar Jūsu minēto personu.


Nepatiesi norādat, ka instruktoru grafiki tiek izlikti haotiski - tie notiek atbilstoši katra instruktora norādītai sistēmai viņa profilā. Jūs acīmredzami to nezinājāt, bet jebkurā gadījumā Jums brīvi piejami un redzami visi noteiktas kategorijas instruktori konkrētā pilsētā. Labus instruktorus izķer ļoti ātri.


Jūsu braukšanas stundas savadītas autoskolas iekšējās organizācijas un CSDD noteiktā kārtībā, ko regulēja savstarpēji noslēgtais līgums.


Attiecībā par cenām, mums radās iespaids, ka Jūs salīdzināt cenas, par kurām tiek maksāti nodokļi ar samaksu skaidrā naudā, par kuru netiek un kas ir pretlikumīgi. Apskatiet lūdzu visu Latvijas lielāko autoskolu cenas mājaslapās un atradīsiet, ka mūsu instruktoru cenu piedāvājams ir ļoti lielā diapazonā un ir mērens attiecībā pret citiem konkurentiem.


Visbeidzot konstatējām, ka ja klientei risināt vairākas problēmas būtu varējusi adminitrācija, ja vien būtu vērsusies pēc palīdzības. 

Valdis Rapšs

07 Feb, 2024

Ar skolas sniegtajām iespējām esmu ļoti apmierināts , praktisti nepinu divu mēnešu laikā sagatavoja mani no nulles . Īpaši gribu uzsvērt braukšanas instruktoru Arkādiju Grigorjevu un Juri Titovu par profesionālu pieeju apmācību kursam , pateicoties tam esmu ieguvis vadīšanas pamatus .

Matīss Lakševics

28 Jan, 2024

Ļoti liels paldies Reinim Bekkeram un Raulam Eglītim, un pašai autoskolai - ar viņu palīdzību ieguvu tiesības ātrāk nekā pats biju domājis!

Melisa Ņūberija

16 Dec, 2023

Lielisks instruktors Gints Zeilers. Iesaku iemacīs braukt ,bez stresa un bļaušanas.100% pilda savu pienakumu.

Antra Cviklinska

05 Dec, 2023

Paldies instruktoram Raimondam Tauriņam par palīdzību sagatavoties CSDD eksāmenam,tā teikt..salikām punktus uz i …

Antra Cviklinska

05 Dec, 2023

Paldies instruktoram Mursalam.Iemācīja braukt no pilnīgas 0 ,tas nebija ātri,bet rezultāts ir “tiesības kabatā”!!!Tas nekas ,ja jums vairs nav ne 20 ,ne 30….Grūti mācībās -Viegli Kaujā.Tā arī es sajutos CSDD eksāmenā.

Rita Krotkova

29 Nov, 2023

Milzīgs paldies Andrejam Nīmanis, ja vēlaties iegūt autovadītāja apliecību, vienozīmīgi iesaku, šo jauko Instroktoru. Kurš iemācīs visas nianses, ļoti uzmanīgs pret kursantiem . Paldies tiesības kabatā!

Sandra Kapče

31 Oct, 2023

Vislielāko paldies gribu teikt savam instruktoram Reinim Bekkeram. Paldies, ka iemācīji man braukt un justies droši uz ceļa. Paldies par pacietību un sagatavošanu CSDD eksāmenam. Eksāmens nolikts ar 1. reizi. Noteikti varu ieteikt apmeklēt nodarbības pie Reiņa. Katrā nodarbībā iemācījos kaut ko jaunu. Ja kaut kas nebija saprotams, viss tika izskaidrots mierīgi. Var redzēt, ka Reinim rūp savu apmācāmo progress. Paldies, ka palīdzēji sasniegt iecerēto.

Kristīne Gaiziņa

23 Oct, 2023

Lielāko paldies gribu teikt teorijas pasniedzējai Vitai Danbergai un instruktoram Jānim Saleniekam. Teorija tika pasniegta interesanti un kursantam saprotošā valodā, teorijas eksāmeni nolikti ar pirmo reizi. Autoskolā iestājos pagājušā gada maijā pēc gada pauzes izlēmu tomēr pabeigt iesākto, lai gan ticība tam ,ka es to spēju izdarīt bija diez gan maza,jo sāku no gandrīz pilnīgas nulles un zināju tikai to kādi pedāļi ir mašīnai un kur viņi atrodas :D. Vislielākās braukšanas prasmes un pārliecību, ka varu kļūt par labu autovadītāju deva instruktors Jānis Salenieks. Instruktors ar lielu stāžu, ļoti pacietīgs un reaģē uz kursanta kļūdu ļoti mierīgi un nosvērti. Uz katru nodarbību devos ar prieku,jo zināju ka kaut ko jaunu noteikti iemācīšos. Tieši Jānis deva stingrus pamatus un sagatavoja kārtīgi CSDD eksāmenam :). Paldies par humoru paldies par Tavu dzelzs pacietību, jo ar mani nebija viegli.

Liene Vaivode

07 Oct, 2023

Liels paldies visiem autoskolas darbiniekiem. Ļoti laipni un pretīmnākoši darbinieki. Vislielākais paldies Rudītei,kura ļoti saprotoši un interesanti pasniedza teorijas apmācību, kā arī instruktorei Sarmītei Dzenei par braukšanas pamatu ielikšanu, Andrejam Nīmanim, par vieglā gaisotnē pavadītajām braukšanas nodarbībām, kur ļoti viegli varēja uztvert visu mācīto. Liels paldies Dainim Elleram par eksāmena pieņemšanu un apmācību turpināšanu, kamēr gaidiju savu rindu eksāmenam CSDD. Iesaku ik vienam šo autoskolu.

Antra Japiņa

03 Oct, 2023

Liels paldies Andrejam Nīmanim par radošo pieeju autovadīšanas apmācībā, sasaistot teoriju ar praksi. Paldies par pacietību un iejutību.

Cong Minh Tran

29 Sep, 2023

I'd like to express my gratitude towards Mr. Jinis Unskis; he has always been supportive, and I've had a wonderful experience going through a driving lesson with him. As a person, Mr. Čunskis is a very patient person and will do his best to help the learner gain more knowledge and get familiar with driving as fast as possible. As an instructor, he is really professional; each and every single lesson counts, and all procedures and knowledge are clear and helpful. Once again, thank you very much! Also credits to Mr. Raimonds Tauriņš for his time and delivery.

Vita Logina

28 Sep, 2023

Esmu ļoti apmierināta, ka izvēlējos šo autoskolu, lai gan tīri nejauši. viegli un ātri uztvēru teorētisko apmācību. Vislielākais, sirsnīgākais paldies instruktorei Ieviņai Stepiņai-Freidenfeldei, kura ļoti mierīgi un pacietīgi palīdzēja man tikt galā ar milzīgu stresu un ļāva noticēt, ka katrs var iemācīties braukt. Vēlreiz liels paldies!

Anete Alise Grundule

27 Sep, 2023

Laba autoskola, iesaku arī citiem! Lielāko paldies vēlētos pateikt instruktoram Elmāram Kļavai, par pacietību, lielisko spēju iemācīt bruakšanu un sagatavošanu CSDD eksāmenam. Šis intruktors ir pozitīvs, mierīgs, nosvērts. Kā arī paldies Raimondam Tauriņam, kura dēļ nokārtoju autoskolas braukšanas eksāmenu, ja kaut kas neizdevās viņš pamācīja un paskaidroja, ko izdarija nepareizi un deva ļoti daudz noderīgas lietas priekš CSDD eksāmena!

Ligita Kalniņa

07 Sep, 2023

Many thanks to Aleksejs Andrejevs for the practical driving training! His explanations were really good, he showed everything and provided feedback (comments). Thank you so much for being so helpful before the exam and keeping your fingers crossed during my exam! Other instructors also often gave some valuable feedback. You are awesome! I have the A-drivers-licence in my pocket :) 

Safaa Sherif

27 Aug, 2023

Very good school ,i just graduated 3days ago )) thanks for teaching us ang thanks for all good English speakers instructors that i learned from them

Ričards Mucenieks

21 Aug, 2023

The only reason the driving school has a good reiting is because they will take the last cent out of your pocket for inadequate theory and driving exams which are much harder than they are in CSDD (Road Traffic Safety Directorate). Yes, you will be able to get the license; however, it will cost much more than anywhere else. I DO NOT RECOMMEND

Presto Autoskola

29 Aug, 2023

In general, comments about exams are unethical and they are not allowed; however, we decided to give you an answer. 

After learning more about your training process, we noticed that the theory exam in driving school was passed on your 1st attempt, which is a good indicator of the quality of the theory training. While you were passing the theory exam in the driving school, you did not notice that it was identical to the CSDD exam and was taking place on the CSDD website. Therefore, your statement that it is more difficult is untrue. 

When it comes to driving exams, we must mention that the evaluation criteria are the same as in the CSDD exam (1:1). Therefore, here you are mistaken again. 

We must remind you what is being evaluated in the school driving exam: how familiar the trainee is with the Road Traffic Safety Regulations, his/her ability to drive a car, tolerance towards other road users etc. (16 skills in total).

Unfortunately, you were unable to convince 4 different instructors that you can drive according to traffic safety rules, and the results at the time objectively showed your skills during the exam. However, you will have a wonderful opportunity to improve your skills and gain more knowledge in order to successfully pass the state exam.

As you have been able to pass both exams on your first attempt, thus saving your time and financial means, we consider the training process to have been successful. 

Savine Ivanova

16 Aug, 2023

Andrejs Nīmanis is an amazing instructor! He will teach you to drive. No stress and no yelling. He is working on 100%. 

Jūlija Pastare

16 Aug, 2023

Many thanks to Jānis Salines. I am very happy that I was undergoing my driving training exactly with you! If I compare what other instructors taught me and what was taught by you, I can see that it simply cannot be compared. You were able to withstand any personal character. Maybe someone may think that you are strict; however, it was very useful for me and I really liked it. I would recommend others to go to driving lessons with you because it is difficult to find an instructor like you. Many thanks. Thank you for your patience and keeping a cool head and steady nerves. 😁

Artemii Gushturov

15 Aug, 2023

Many thanks to the instructor Vsevolods Černovs for the amazing training. In a short period of time, not only did you prepare me to pass the CSDD exam but you also taught me to ride a scooter in a confident and safe way. I will definitely return to this instructor when I want to gain my next category!  

Marita Gerucka

28 Jul, 2023

I started my driving training in the middle of April almost from zero, and already by the end of July I have the driver's licence in my pocket! Big thanks to my instructor Romualds Vjaters not only for teaching me to drive a car but also to drive well! Unequivocally I recommend attending driving lessons with Romualds, driving always takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, and he will explain the same thing even 10 times if necessary :) Thanks for everything! 


Aļģis Tomsons

19 Jul, 2023

I got into the driving school and started from point zero. I started my training at the beginning of summer and already in the middle of summer I have got the licence. Instructors do not impede progress and do everything that is in their power. Thanks to the driving school and good luck to all others! 🥳

Ainars Sazanovs

18 Jul, 2023

The school is great, no additional costs, I recommend it.  Teachers are at a high level 👍👍👍💯

Ainars Sazanovs

18 Jul, 2023

Instructor Jevgenijs Ivanovs explains everything and leads the driving process very well. I am very satisfied, and I highly recommend him. 



Stephen Patrick Quinn

13 Jul, 2023

Raimonds Tauriņš I cannot say enough good words about Raimonds, i started my journey driving only when i came to Latvia, I am a slow learner, it took me alot of time to learn new tasks. We started from day one driving, Raimond is knowlegable, patient and has a good humour, this helped me relax. He took me step my step through my journey and i didnt want to change instructor as i knew i was in good hands. I am very thankful for you help and indeed to have met you as a person.

Renārs Šēners

11 Jul, 2023

I got into driving school to get an A-category driver's licence. The driving school does not impede progress, and I managed to pass everything quickly and got my A-category licence within 2 months.  

A special thanks to driving instructor Vsevolods Černovs for the professional training! I definitely recommend this driving school and A-category instructors! 

Kristers Bukšs

06 Jul, 2023

Thanks to Guntis Žīgurs for driving lessons, he is an experienced instructor, and I recommend others to take up training with him

Rihards Ozols

26 Jun, 2023

I was training with Vsevolods Černovs to get AM category licence. I am very content. The instructor was cool, helpful, he was able to explain everything very well and he taught me to ride a scooter from zero. Now I have got the licence and I feel confident on the road and on the scooter. 


Kate Vecumniece

17 Jun, 2023

There is no doubt this is the best driving school! 😎A well-thought-out, easy-to-understand website - application calendar for driving lessons, easy-to-fill e-wallet balance and a wide selection of instructors. Romualds Vyaters - the best instructor ever! 🤩 Thank you for the obtained licence! 🥂 I recommend it to everyone!

Kristers Domeniks Zunda

16 Jun, 2023

Very supportive instructors, I recommend this driving school to others as well

Igors Samsonovs

15 Jun, 2023

Vsevolods Černovs is a very good, supportive, helpful and professional instructor. I recommend him to everyone. 

Kitija Veisa

09 Jun, 2023

Big thanks to instructor Juris Incenbergs. I recommend him to everyone, he is very patient and able to motivate. With Juris, I felt confident and uplifted. I passed the CSDD final exam on my first attempt. Good luck to others! 


Egīls Ausējs

02 Jun, 2023

A huge thanks to Driving School for the possibility to obtain the B-category licence. I extend my gratitude to instructor Guntis Žīgurs for pleasant and professional driving lessons.  All in all, I am content with the driving school. 

Žanna Galilejeva

02 Jun, 2023

A very good, smart, positive instructor Juris Pauls from Jelgava. It was very pleasant to undergo the training. I recommend him! 🙂 Thanks! 

Kārlis Kārkliņš

18 Apr, 2023

The driving school is organised in a very good way. However, it was a bit inconvenient for me that the theory group for the A category was repeatedly rescheduled because the required number of students had not signed up. When the theory group was finally organized, a teacher from outside was finally invited to come, and it was evident that he was not competent in the A category.  In the lessons, we mostly talked about questions from CSDD exams but when it came to the most difficult questions about the A category, he invited us to look for the answers on the internet or read the rules by ourselves, not even to mention that he tried to convince us that on Barona street there is a bicycle line from which you cannot turn right. 

However, when it comes to the driving instructor, Aleksejs Andrejevs is an amazing, knowledgeable and very motivating instructor. Also, my experience and communication with the administration was very pleasant. In general, I am satisfied with the driving school because in my case theory was secondary. 

Jānis Bērzs

17 Apr, 2023

Many thanks to Vsevolod Chernov for the training, Aleksei Andreyev for the exam and the entire Presto.lv team for being so welcoming as well as for the quick and efficient work and positive attitude and atmosphere. I quickly learned how to drive a motorcycle and gained a lot of useful information, as well as confidence in my abilities, and I went to the CSDD exam without doubts, and I passed the exam without any reprimands. Thank you very much and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to drive a vehicle.


Laura Annija Petruse

05 Apr, 2023

Many thanks to instructor Regnārs Grudulis for cheering me up during driving lessons and for suggestions on how to do better. He explained my mistakes, he was patient and calm. 


Samanta Davidova

17 Mar, 2023

Big thanks to instructor Jānis Mucenieks. He is very calm and patient, and he explains all the details. Many thanks to driving school! 



Agnese Bule

08 Mar, 2023

Many thanks to Lilita for the optimistic school distance theory exam! 


Tīna Rudzīte

04 Mar, 2023

I must extend my gratitude to instructor Edgars Elsiņš. He is very patient and helpful, as well as calm. He explains all the little things and details. I definitely recommend him! 

Ivans Majorovs

24 Feb, 2023

Many thanks to driving school Presto for all the work and many thanks to instructor Ernests Rudakovs for the driving lessons. 

Kerija Jeseljone

10 Feb, 2023

With Presto, I only have a driving agreement but my experience is positive!  Guntis Žīgurs-a very good instructor with a sense of humour, he will not be afraid to reprimand, haha. He will also answer your questions and he will make you think actively all the time about what is the right thing to do during driving.  He will also teach you to park the car and he will explain how and where to look and what to do. I recommend this instructor! He will teach you to drive without rush and to change speed when you come from Valmiera - that is exactly what you had to learn. Very pleasant and valuable driving lessons! :)


Dāgs Gabriels Zībergs

21 Jan, 2023

My experience with driving school has been rather contradictory; however, there are more positive than negative things to mention. The driving school has created a very convenient system to get a driver's licence. All the documents and payments can be managed in one place. The website is really well-thought-out and in case you have questions you can ask for help. The costs of gaining a licence (if it happens without any obstacles) are competitive. The problems, however, began with practical driving training. I must admit that the Presto driving lessons calendar is a unique system in Latvia (I had never heard any other driving school offer a similar option in such a comfortable format) and it is easy to use. It allows trainees to sign up for lessons with different instructors at a convenient time (even shortly before the lesson if no one else has signed up). The time of the lesson and cost, the brand of the car, the location of the instructor and contact information - it all can be found in the same place and I can take off my hat to Presto for that - it is a step closer to future. At first, I decided to try out different instructors and understand with whom I will have the best contact - and then I would go only to one specific instructor. After the first lessons, I understood that different instructors about specific practical questions have different opinions, even strong opinions (even the instructors themselves admit that but still they choose to cling to their own opinions and consider them to be the right ones) and it got me confused. I also got confused when in one of the lessons I concluded that the information left in the driving journal did not coincide with what we had learnt in the lesson (luckily, it was like that only for 1 lesson). Getting a clearer understanding of all the questions I had is one of the reasons why I decided to concentrate only on 1 instructor and not on more. Unfortunately, training with this instructor (when according to his words it was time to sign up for an exam) did not turn out to be fruitful 3 times. In every exam attempt, there were new systematic mistakes (the reason behind which was some incomplete explanation of some kind of concept or the instructor had not included that in the training process). My attempt to get back at least part of the money I had wasted by training with this instructor culminated with a 25 EUR refund (which is part of the money, of course; however, a very small amount). After that, I started attending lessons with another instructor. He prepared me for the school and CSDD exams in a 4-lessons-time so that I could pass both exams on my first attempt. Huge thanks to this person! During my training with this instructor, it was concluded that what I had not learnt with my previous instructor had to be taught during the first lessons so that there would not be any systematic mistakes afterwards. What I would like to say with all of this is that, in my opinion, in driving school (and between other driving schools) the opinions of instructors about how to drive on the same roads according to the same road traffic safety rules should coincide at least 99% of the time. If such a system is offered that lets me freely go to another instructor and have a new instructor every lesson, the system should be based on the following points: is it easy for me to work together with the particular instructor; which of the time slots are better for me; how close is the instructor and with what type of car I would like to drive, and it all should not be based on whether I find the interpretation of the particular person on how I should drive more acceptable than the interpretation of others. As a person starting my driving training from 0, how can I possibly have an impartial opinion on which instructor could teach me to drive correctly?  There is no way and no trainee should think about that but base his/her choices on the facts I mentioned above. To make it possible to find a fair solution in these types of conflict situations I recommend this driving school to install video cameras in their vehicles (both inside and outside) which would make it possible to solve these situations by relying on impartial information. It is understandable that any driving school is going to defend their instructors and I base my opinion on my own experience and no one of the sides can prove they are right. I have got my licence and my B category training is over. Presto, I would like you to take this review as a suggestion for possible future improvements. 


Marta Poļenčuka

12 Jan, 2023

Many thanks to instructor Ivo Lipskijs for the knowledge shared to get a B-category driver's licence. Many thanks because in a short time, he taught me everything necessary to feel safe on the road and not to endanger other road users. The instructor is demanding, there will be reprimands; however, at the same time, all the lessons take place in a relaxed atmosphere with humour. Ivo's saying that will stay in my memory: "Hurry slowly".

Māris Markulis

05 Jan, 2023

Thanks! Instructor Aigars really taught me to drive. Teacher Venēra is very helpful and able to explain theory very well. All in all, there are good instructors at the driving school, and they will prepare the new drivers very well. 


Henry Oluchukwu Egwu

02 Jan, 2023

Thanks to Janis Cunskis for being very nice, patient and polite instructor. He gave me some good advice and he brought out my confidence on road in short period of time. Got my license because of this gentleman! Thanks to Presto team.

Valters Lūriņš

10 Oct, 2022

The most positive feedback about Aivars Atkauķis. Driving lessons with him are worth every cent! He really is good at teaching! 

Dāniels Ignatovičs

05 Oct, 2022

AWESOME driving school, I was training to get category B, the theory is at its highest level, and both CSDD (Road Traffic Safety Directorate) theory and driving exams were passed on my 1st attempt. Thank you!!!

Iļja Rjutkinens

30 Sep, 2022

A perfect driving school (also for motorcycles)! After finishing my driving school training I got my A-category on CSDD Biķernieku square and surroundings. My theory and first driving instructor was Jolanta Lazdāne. She is excellent at teaching theory, she can explain any nuance if something is unclear with road traffic rules or signs. Theory training itself was easy and not boring even though I had to listen to 4 hours of theory training three days in a row.  The first riding lessons were also very useful and easy, Jolanta was explaining how to ride a motorcycle and complete the figures as easily and effectively as possible. My next instructor was Vsevolods Černovs, he is a real Sensei in moto training, he digests everything, and explains every detail to pass the exam, he was my main riding instructor.  I had taken a few riding lessons and an exam with Aleksejs Andrejevs. He is a specialist when it comes to details, and it will be beneficial when it comes to passing the CSDD exam.  In short, all instructors are absolutely professional, you can take any riding lessons at a location that is most convenient for you, and any instructor will teach you everything that is necessary! Thanks to all instructors and driving school Presto for this wonderful experience and licence! Good luck to you! 



Laura Reimane

20 Sep, 2022

I have also finally got my A1 category licence! I passed the exam on my 1st attempt. I started my training with Aleksejs Andrejevs and afterwards, I went to Vsevolods Černovs. Many thanks to both instructors, they are real professionals. While doing their job, they actually give you knowledge with the greatest responsibility and patience! Thanks to Presto! 

Oļegs Jegorovs

08 Sep, 2022

Thanks to Presto for my A category licence and a special thanks to Vsevolods Černovs (he taught me from complete zero) and Aleksejs Andrejevs (he was in charge of my driving school exam), thanks for the support and good advice that helped me to pass the CSDD exam successfully! I do recommend these instructors! 

Ieva Laicāne

03 Sep, 2022

I am happy to say that there is nothing bad to say :) I started my training during times of restriction and distance theory training lessons were really convenient.  The possibility to change instructors and manage payments online were most probably the best qualities of this driving school. After my experience with a number of instructors, I definitely recommend Romualds Vjaters as a very knowledgeable and supportive instructor during driving lessons. 


Edgars Ērglis

11 Aug, 2022

A very cool and pleasant distance training theory professor. After an exhausting working day, she motivated me to get myself together and pass the exam!:) Thanks, Presto! 

Līga Garmašova

10 Aug, 2022

I am very content! Thanks to the instructors. 🥰🥰🥰

Gunārs Pujāts

02 Aug, 2022

Thanks to Presto for the A category licence that I have obtained. The whole process from start to finish was smooth and easy. I had my lessons with two instructors: Andrejs Nīmanis and Vsevolods Černovs, both of them are professionals and good instructors, and I recommend them. 

Jānis Romāns

01 Aug, 2022

Thanks to Presto driving school for the B category driver's licence. A special thanks to instructor Jānis Salenieks for his professional driving training. I passed the exams on my first attempt.  

Edgars Martinsons

29 Jul, 2022

I had full A-category training to ride a motorcycle. I chose my riding instructor after positive feedback from a friend, and the instructor was Aleksejs Andrejevs. I really liked the instructor, he was able to explain, teach and share his Moto experience, and the most important is that you could see that spark in his eyes - motorcycling is his passion; therefore, I can see that it is important to teach from your heart as well as possible. The school provided all the possible CSDD exam motorcycles - Kawasaki Z650, Yamaha MTO-7 and Honda CB650R, and I tried them all during lessons. I got my licence with the minimum amount of worries, 1 theory exam, 5 riding lessons, 1 driving school riding exam, and 1 CSDD exam. So if you are ready, the school will let you go to an exam (I have heard some stories of bitter experiences from trainees who never seem ready - the same as Riga) 

Aleksandrs Sergejevs

14 Jul, 2022

Greetings and a huge thank you to Artūrs Dreimanis for BE-category driving training.  Today I passed the CSDD exam on my first attempt. 

Sergei Minin

12 Jul, 2022

I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Artūrs Dreimanis for his high professionalism in BE-category training, in my opinion, he is the best instructor. Not only is he an instructor but also a superb psychologist, good luck to you Arthur in everything!

Aleksandrs Broks

15 Jun, 2022

I would like to say thank you for the easy-to-understand theory courses. A separate thank you to instructor Jānis Sanelieks for driving lessons, everything was clear, lessons were calm and filled with knowledge. I passed all the exams on my first attempt, thank you once again. 

Rainelda Zamure

14 Jun, 2022

Thanks to Romualds Vjaters for driving training! The training takes place in a calm atmosphere which promotes a better learning experience. Support and down-to-earth explanation, not only does he help you to learn to drive a car in a technically correct way but also to gain confidence in your skills. That was the most important thing for me! A HUGE THANK YOU! 


Agnese Purina-Cirule

11 Apr, 2022

Thanks to Romualds Vjaters for driving lessons in a great atmosphere and for teaching me to drive a car from zero, as well as Sergejs Soklakovs for the calm atmosphere during the exam. Thank you 🙌🙏

Zigmund Martirosjan

08 Apr, 2022

Well, a normal school

Juris Graudiņš

06 Apr, 2022

Greetings to Artūrs Dreimanis, thanks for the high-quality BE-category driving lessons, passed the exam on my first try. 

Santa Vika

30 Mar, 2022

The best feedback and the greatest THANKS to instructor Juris Titovs. He explains everything so easily and understandably, he will teach you, and he will show. I definitely recommend him! 

Irina Pavlova

22 Mar, 2022

Big thanks to Artūrs Dreimanis, a good and supportive instructor.

Arita Aleksejeva

13 Feb, 2022

I recommend driving instructor Juris Titovs, he is a good and supportive instructor! 

Gusts Jekociņš

09 Feb, 2022

Juris Titovs is good at teaching to drive, he is communicative, I have only positive feedback!  

Daina Mihailova

01 Feb, 2022

I would like to thank the best of driving instructors Guntis Žīgurs. Already in our first driving lesson, I understood that we are on the same wavelength. Everything was well explained, all the mistakes were talked about and I managed to learn different sorts of small things. Even though I am not a local and my lessons took place in Alūksne and Gulbene, instructor Guntis taught me and quickly explained what and how should be done.  I already had the knowledge, only I had forgotten a lot, oh, that bright mind! :D With understanding and humour I passed the school exam and I passed the CSDD exam on my first attempt. Big thanks to this INSTRUCTOR in capital letters for the work he invested and his help to me to overcome my fear! I wish good luck to Guntis Žīgurs in future! 

Dace Abizāre

22 Jan, 2022

Thanks to Presto driving school for ensuring a modern training process. A big thanks goes to my amazing driving instructors: Juris Incenbergs, Aivars Atkauķis and Elmārs Kļava. The instructors are very patient, knowledgeable and experienced. All lessons took place in a calm atmosphere. Juris perfectly laid the foundations of driving, Aivars helped to sharpen my driving skills and taught me some "secrets of the craft", Elmārs helped me to prepare for the CSDD exam and gave me the confidence that it is actually possible to get a driver's licence and pass the exams. Thank you all!!! :) I recommend these instructors!

Renāte Radionova

17 Jan, 2022

An amazing driving school, despite what is going on in the world, I got my driver's licence within 4 months and passed everything on my first attempt! Thanks for the amazing service! 

Antons Gorbacevskis

16 Jan, 2022

I wish to express my gratitude for the amazing courses. I am very content, I successfully passed the exam on my first attempt (BE category). Special thanks to instructor Artūrs Dreimanis. I recommend him! 

Jānis Leišaunieks

13 Jan, 2022

I would like to say thanks to my driving instructors Ainārs Būka and Guntis Žīgurs. You are the best. I started from zero but thank you for teaching me everything. Good luck with your future endeavours! 

Charlie Charlie

27 Dec, 2021

I was under the wings of Vita Danberga my theory driving lecturer. She prepared me and I passed my theory driving school and government theory exam within 5 weeks from start to finish. I have achieved 30 correct answers out of 30. In other words 100% pass. The school Admin is well organized. Ieva from the school Admin was very supportive and all went well. It is a good atmosphere with extremely supportive team all around. Passed my First Aid within few weeks. Great school and excellent quality standards.

Laura Zālīte

16 Dec, 2021

I definitely recommend instructor Aivars Atkauķis, he is the best instructor that comes to my mind. I started my training from zero, and I passed all the exams on my first attempt. Without the advice of Aivars it would have never happened so fast!  Aivars is always in a good mood to teach you, repeat and pay attention to details, the car is always clean :)

Egīls Kacens

06 Dec, 2021

I recommend PRESTO driving school! A supportive and helpful team, ready to help and give some advice if it is necessary! An excellent experience! 

Svetlana Roslova

10 Nov, 2021

I recommend PRESTO driving school!!! Very agreeable professors and instructor G.Žīgurs. You can finish the full training fast and it is understandable. I had no hard time neither with theory nor with driving. I wish luck to everyone that starts the training, and especially G.Žīgurs in his work! I Thank you very much!! P.S. I had my training in Gulbene.

liva grinvalde

27 Oct, 2021

Thanks to my instructor for the cool lessons. The lessons were interesting. A lot is taught from life experience. I passed the exam on the 1st attempt. The school is responsive and ready to help. I definitely recommend it! 



Oksana Skirmante

22 Sep, 2021

An excellent driving school, I recommend it!

Toms Grigorjevs

19 Sep, 2021

I definitely recommend driving school Presto if you are willing to get your driver's licence as soon as possible. A helpful attitude from the part of administration, pleasant and productive communication. Also, I can say only the best about the driving school's instructors. I got the licence within 1,5 months.

Gunta Gigule

15 Sep, 2021

A great driving school with excellent professors, instructors and service. I had a chance to meet and learn driving with two instructors - Romualds Vjaters and Regnārs Grudulis. I would not even want to name them as instructors according to the name of their profession, but I would rather call them Teachers in the best sense of this word. During the learning process, I felt that I received undivided attention un understanding. I started the training from zero, and I was that type of student that required an explanation of all the details that may be understandable to someone else from the very beginning, as well as even drawing "paintings" so that I could understand better. Many times I thought to myself - if I were in their place, I would have left the car already a long time ago :) The ability of those Teachers to organize the learning process according to my abilities was just amazing. Anyone that learns with Romualds or Regnārs is lucky, and I wish all of them luck!


Inga Skangale

30 Aug, 2021

What a colossal driving school! An amazing team. Even though I was studying at an unbelievably difficult time, they helped me to reach my goal. Professor Aigars Āboliņš, instructor Vladimirs Ivanovs and the rest of the team are super! None of my questions or problems were left unattended. I am very satisfied. I definitely recommend this school to everyone.


Juris Bērziņš

23 Aug, 2021

The training course was easy to understand and comprehend. The professor was with a professional approach and a sense of humour. Thank you for refreshing my knowledge! 

Vjaceslavs Zdanovs

06 Aug, 2021

The theoretical training was very interesting, it was easy to comprehend the theme and learn the most important things. I can say a big thanks to the driving instructor Peteris Bekeris. A fantastic instructor. I am happy that I chose Peteris to be my instructor. Thank you PRESTO!

Līva Kampe

15 Jul, 2021

Theory classes were interesting, it was easy to comprehend the theme and learn the most important. I can say a big thanks to professor Rudīte Opelte. A fantastic professor. :)


Keita Mieme

14 Jun, 2021

Getting the driver's licence turned out to be a rather pleasant process, mainly thanks to the cool instructor Ingars Romanovičs. The lessons with Ingars were interesting and relaxed, it was possible to talk a lot, and not only about Road Traffic Regulations. There was no trouble to pass the exam. I am happy that I chose Ingars to be my instructor. :)


Santa Valle

02 Jun, 2021

I cannot say anything bad about this driving school:) I started studying the theory by the end of July 2020, theory professor Rudīte Opelte is really in her right place, she taught everything so well that both the driving school exam and the exam of the Road Traffic Safety Directorate were passed on the 1st attempt. Thank you! :) I started driving about in the middle of August 2020; however, I registered for driving classes quite rarely as I had no time. On average I had about 1, 2 driving classes a month, sometimes a maximum of 4 classes. This way I learned to drive at a slow pace, step by step. I  can say big thanks to instructor Guntars Biļkins for his patience as I made various mistakes. HOWEVER, no matter how I was doing in my driving classes, both DRIVING SCHOOL and Road Traffic Safety Directorate exams were passed on my FIRST try! A really big THANKS to the driving school and the professors! P.S. I have had my driver's licence in my pocket since 28.05.2021 (at the moment there are quite long queues at Road Traffic Safety Directorate). P.S.S. Let's take into account that also in the middle there were 3 months during which it was not allowed to attend driving classes according to the government decree. 

Sandis Cāzers

21 May, 2021

Thanks to Ainārs Skuja for the interesting life stories! I passed the C category school exam on my first try!!! :)

Aivis Poruks

20 May, 2021

I would like to express my enormous gratitude to professor Ainārs Skuja for his huge contribution and dedication to our C category training! Really - the best of the best! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Maksims Danovskis

16 May, 2021

I would like to thank our professor (Ainārs Skuja) for the professional approach to training and his attentive attitude towards all the trainees. Ainārs - the best teacher!


Jekaterina Ivanova

16 May, 2021

Thanks, PRESTO, now also I have a driver's licence in my pocket! A very easy way how to plan driving lessons and pay for them - I could always plan my time. A wide selection of instructors and you are not tied to any particular instructor; so, If something goes wrong, you can surely change the instructor. In my case, it was not necessary. I want to say thanks to my instructor Arkādijs Kurgans one more time for the experience! You are the best! And also Arkādijs Grigorjevs with whom I passed the driving school exam. To anyone that is looking for a driving school, undeniably PRESTO is the best choice!!!


Lauma Izolde Dziļuma

13 May, 2021

Overall, I am satisfied with my choice of driving school because the progress was very rapid as soon as I found the best instructor for me (REINIS BEKKERS - the best). Since after the winter restrictions period break the driving lessons were restarted, in less than 2 months I got my driver's licence. It is cool that you can apply for a driving lesson with any of the instructors and you can easily change the instructor as many times as you wish. However, I recommend creating some kind of system that time frames for new driving lessons are added at a specific time as I could not understand this system and which instructors are available at the beginning. Another thing that was unclear from the beginning - the professor of theory told that driving lessons can be taken with anyone and each lesson you can drive with someone else; however, I recommend choosing one particular instructor, especially if you are starting your training from zero, and I recommend booking classes only with him/her, of course, if there are any disagreements, you can change the instructor immediately. But I recommend using the chance to change instructors only at the very end to get more driving tips when you prepare for the exam. I would have been very grateful if someone had told me this already at the very beginning so that I would have chosen my one and only instructor and booked classes only with him. But anyway, if I had to recommend a driving school to someone, I would recommend Presto! Thank you! I had reckoned with higher expenses, but despite the initial incomprehension about what should be done and how could it be done better, I am satisfied!

Vivita Leismane

07 May, 2021

Presto definitely is the most modern driving school which I know! And as a modern and technology oriented person I was overjoyed about it. :) I passed my theory exam while sitting in my office chair. Then I had a bit longer journey during my driving lessons to get my paper ''B'' :) But FINALLY it is done and I am very happy and satisfied. Thanks to PRESTO for the perfect service and the friendly attitude. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and I recommend it to others!

Eba Elizabeta Lāce

28 Apr, 2021

Presto has shown that also people without prior knowledge can get a driving licence in 3 months period (without counting the time when the driving lessons were forbidden). Smart driving instructors and theory teachers, a nice team and a comfortable management system! I was needed only 15 driving lessons which I could get in a short period of time. The result - saved money and the driving licence is in my pocket! Thank you!!!

Krišjānis Bušs

19 Apr, 2021

I extend my gratitude to Edgars Priekulis for his patience and stamina. In these strange times, today after 7 months of fighting, I finally got my driving licence. Driving with Edgars was interesting and exciting because he taught me how it will be to drive in the real life. I didn't have any stress while taking my driving classes with him. With every driving lesson, I understood that I made the right choice. I passed my school's driving exam with Edgars with the attempt as well. 


Ви То

16 Apr, 2021

A big thanks to Ainārs Skuja. He is the best of all of the teachers who have ever taught me something. Besides the general learning materials, he is giving his own materials as well. That helps a lot in the learning process.

Aivis Poruks

09 Apr, 2021

Today I signed a contract with the Presto driving school for getting the C category's licence! I am pleasantly surprised about the quality of service. Everything was simple, fast and understandable. Awesome! 10 from 10!


Nils Lukstiņš

03 Mar, 2021

Thanks to the Presto driving school to prepare me for the CSDD theory exam! 


Jana Bajela

22 Feb, 2021

My journey to get a driving licence was very long! Presto driving school is my third attempt because I was waiting when the theory lessons will be allowed in a group. So I went and apply for the course. I have a simpathy towards the whole system of Presto. For example, the possibility to pay online, also the possibility to apply for the course, the driving lessons and also for the theory exam. I would like to say my gratitude to Ivans Kločkovs for that he was giving professional lectures, for that he explained well and gave all the knowledge in the right order - thanks to him I passed the school's and CSDD theory exam  without any mistake. A big thanks to the managers of Presto as well! My driving instructor is Zakirs Alikperovs and thanks to him I learnt how to start the driving, how to follow the rules, etc. If you are searching for the instructor with whom you could learn everything step by step, I suggest Zakirs! The second driving instructor is Konstantīns Nadeždins - I came to him when Zakirs didn't have time for the training. Konstantīns is strict but thanks to him I started to feel more safe and confident while driving. He drew the most complicated crossings and explained everything in details. Then on one day he said to apply for the exam! Both - Zakirs and Konstantīns are supportive, giving advices, sometimes also the critics but only when there is a reason to do so! I passed my school's driving exam with Sergejs Ivasjuta - i suggest him as well. Now the driving exam doesn't seem so scary. A big thanks to YOU! I am really grateful to these 3 driving instructor - I became a proud owner of a driving licence! :D 


Daiva Gaišā

18 Feb, 2021

I recommend this driving school for everyone who wants to drive a car. The three of us, the enlightened ones, were learning at this driving school in 2020 - we all got the B category driving licence. Presto adapted to the online lessons very fast. It is a big choice of the driving instructors, good driving instructors over here. It is easy to apply for the lessons as well. We all - Māris, Krista and Daiva are saying a big Thanks to the teachers and driving instructors of Presto for their job, patience and understanding. I got my driving licence just like a present for my 50 year Birthday (I wasn't so fast as the youngsters driving through Riga with the manual gearbox) and I want to say a big thanks to the theory teacher Aivars Topfers for all of the knowledge. Also my gratitude belongs to the driving instructors - my first and the main one Ingars Romanovičs, Sergejs Ivasjuts who corrected all mistakes and prepared for exams, Elmārs Lazdiņš for the nocturnal rides while raining and for the good advices, Arkādijs Kurgāns for the lesson at the maneuverability training area and the Mūkusalas circle, Konstantīns Nadeždins for the peace and encouragement at the driving school's exam. Presto, You have the best driving instructors in Latvian - conversant, friendly, calm, understanding and responsive - respect that!!

Ginta Ozola

19 Jan, 2021

A very good driving school! I have been rolling the steering wheel since May but as I met my acquaintance who was also going to this school and got her driving licence shortly before Christmas,  I remembered that I should also write some good words. 1st - there are responsive staff in the office, especially Kristīne Aleidzane. She is always kind and joyful, she helped me with everything that was necessary in a short period of time and the main thing - everything has been explained in an understandable way! 2nd - the instructor Reinis Bekkers will teach how to drive even a blindfolded monkey. ;) I started to roll the streets of Riga with him. We managed to do that without any unnecessary stress (I would like to think that was his feeling as well). To drive with this instructor didn't cause any stress, even not a little one even in the most complicated situations. In general - he is a nice instructor, good at communication and as well at the way he is teaching. Everything has been explained, shown and repeated keeping a cool head. But I am warning You, guys - he is popular!!!!!! You have to apply for him in due time otherwise You gonna need to reconcile only with the time which has left. 3rd - instructor Sergejs Ivasjuta. I drove with him as well to strengthen my knowledge. A very tolerant and nice instructor. He explains every situation on the road in a short form and peaceful manner. He is also good at the conversation - that is also important for a driver as it would be not cool to talk only about the road signs! You have to apply for his lessons fast as he is popular as well. To add - Sergejs was never angry or not in the mood.  Both instructors were fantastic! Now I am driving without any stress! I HIGHLY recommend!!!!!!


Andon Finley

13 Jan, 2021

I would like to give recommendation for instructor Romualds Vjaters at Presto Driving School I am from U.S. and hadn't driven here I had to exchange my license for Latvian one. With Romualds help after 5 lessons I was able to pass. If you want a good instructor I would ask for him.

Laura Āboltiņa

11 Jan, 2021

I definitely recommend PRESTO! I have tried to learn driving in the other driving school but I couldn't finish the process because of many different obstacles. I needed to start everything from the beginning to meet my goal! It was easy and fast communication. An awesome theory teacher Mārtiņš Pušpurs. They have an easy way to apply for the driving lessons!


Beāte Bērziņa

07 Jan, 2021

Training at Presto moved forward quickly and smoothly. Theory teachers and driving instructors gave me valuable advices on how to get my driving licence faster. Thanks to the successfully made web page everything you need is in one place. The biggest plus - at the driving lessons there is no cheating. To prepare the course atendant to get his licence as fast as possible - it is Presto interest as well. They are not procrastinating the driving process just to get more money from You (which unfortunately I have experienced in another driving school). I started my theory course on 11 of September, my first driving lesson was on 24 of October and my licence I got on 23 of December. Thank You! Viva La Presto!


Nikolajs Kruglovs

23 Dec, 2020

Thanks to Presto auto moto school for the knowledge and the Christmas present... You are the best... Have a bright Christmas! Thank You.

Krišjānis Bušs

09 Dec, 2020

When I get my driving licence, I'm gonna write a longer review. I want to say big thanks to my theory teacher Edgars Priekulis! He taught in a very good and interesting manner. I am learning how to drive also with Edgars. There is no stress in his lessons. He is explaining complicated situations in a peaceful manner.


29 Oct, 2020

Everyone has got his own unique road to get a driver’s licence. For someone this road is easier, for another one, it is paved with stones. The most important thing is not to give up and believe that everything will turn out well. For me, this was an adventure for 3 months and I passed all the exams on my first try, both theory and driving. After the complex routes, I had taken with my driving school instructor, during the real exam I felt calm. Probably the factor of simply being lucky also played some role, because I had my exam around noon on a working day when all the streets of Riga were almost empty. The very beginning of my driving school also seemed very pleasant - the instructor of theory Rudīte Opelte is really wonderful and a talented professor. I would not be exaggerating if I told you that in these classes I felt as if I was assisting some kind of TedX show. Very tasteful humour. The instructor knew how to combine theory with stories about real-life situations on the road that I still remember vividly and that still makes me smile and reminds me how important it is to evaluate the situation on the road and be able to predict the possible scenarios of a crash. At the driving school, I passed the theory on my first attempt; therefore, I did not have to pay for the exam. When it came to driving, I cannot really say that it all went smoothly straight from the very beginning. Even though I am not one of those girls that are afraid to sit by the steering wheel, there are actually many things that you have to learn in order to drive pleasantly and safely. Often did I conclude that I am far from being a confident driver and I still am aware that I need more practice to drive better… However, instructors never stopped encouraging me and believing that everything was going to be okay. A big bonus is the possibility to book a class with different instructors. You can drive with a few instructors and then choose the one you thought you had the most pleasant driving experience with. One of my instructors was Sarmīte. I can surely recommend her, she can explain things in a very detailed manner. Especially I appreciate that she managed to teach me how to make the perfect hill start - I got it within one driving class. I passed the exam by instructor Sergejs Ivasjuta. I had the exam twice, but the advice he offered was as valuable as gold. It made me understand how to go with the flow of traffic and how to change the driving lane more successfully. I can surely recommend choosing him as your instructor; it is not a coincidence that there are so many positive references that can be read under his name. I also received a very positive and responsive attitude from the part of the administration. Besides, there is a very motivating promotion - if you pass the CSDD theory and driving exams in your first attempt within 3 months, the driving school will cover your expenses for those exams. However, if you do not manage to pass it the first time, do not give up. If you think that you are hopeless on the road, I must say that there is rarely such a sad situation when even after the 10th class the new driver has no clue how to start a car. If something is not working out as you had expected, I suggest booking a class with another instructor. Besides, the fact that you can drive a different car with each instructor is very helpful as well. In the final CSDD exam you might be driving with one of 3 different cars. If you have tried driving with different car models previously, there is not so much stress about steering a car that is a bit different. For example, I had to drive a BMW in my exam and if you want to drive backwards with it the reverse speed can be set in a slightly different manner than it is for the rest of the cars. I had already changed the speed for another car in this manner; therefore, I was not so stressed about this slight change. I am very grateful and happy about finally being a woman with a driver’s licence ( : Thank you Presto!


Santa Janvare

28 Oct, 2020

Thanks to Presto driving school! Clearly it has been only a positive experience during the process of getting my driving license. The study process from the first theory lesson till the passed driving exam took me 3 and a half months. If I wouldn’t needed to wait in a queue to pass the driving exam in CSDD for 1 month then I would get my driving license much faster. I passed all exams with first attempt and without mistakes. Thanks to theory teacher Edgars Priekulis, driving instructor Natalja Kaļinova with whom I learned to drive in 14 lessons and as well to Aleksandrs Derjozkins with whom I drove in 5 lessons (including the school’s exam). I recommend Presto to others as well!!!

Kristaps Lazdiņš

19 Oct, 2020

Big thanks to Presto driving school! A very positive and cool attitude from the part of the administration as well as the professors.  None of the classes was boring or uninteresting. I want to thank all the people involved that helped me to get the driver's licence. I recommend this school! I recommend it also to others!

Anete Vanaga

17 Oct, 2020


Agita Putriča

08 Oct, 2020

I can say only all the best about this driving school! Thanks to teacher Larisa Krukovska and driving instructor Sergejs Germans!

Jānis Bērziņš

11 Sep, 2020

A very good driving school with very good specialists. I can only recommend it. Just go, do and drive! 

Džeina Pērkone

10 Aug, 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to this driving school because I got my driving licence in 7 weeks. So I want to say that it is possible with hard work and a good and modern driving school. :) I can only say all the best about the theory teacher Larisa Krukovska. She explained everything very clearly. I was learning the theory online but everything was understandable anyway. I drove 15 times with 2 different instructors. But all the best I can say about Fjodors Gontovojs. He taught me everything very clearly and he was also very interested that I really learn everything. After a few lessons, I felt confident on the road already. I am very grateful to him. I can say all the best about the driving school as well because whenever you need, you can call and they will answer. If you are having some problems you can solve them in a fast way as well. I really liked that after 10 driving lessons, I could sign up for the school's driving exam. I passed my driving exam with Regnārs Grundulis. I can say only all the best about him - with his peace and understanding all the stress went away! :) Thanks a lot! :)

Amanda Peško

26 Jul, 2020

The theory teacher was the only one I liked in this driving school. It took a too long way to go through the driving lessons. I am happy that I left. To be honest, I don't recommend this driving school to any of my friends. 

Presto Autoskola

03 Aug, 2020

We do not understand the nature of the claim, as Amanda applied for only 3 driving lessons with 2 different instructors during 7 months, the last of them 3 months ago. She has recently revealed that in parallel she has been driving privately with another instructor, which she probably has not informed the Presto instructor, with whom she took the last 2 lessons, about. He made the curriculum which was based on the written information recorded in the driving log. After all, at Presto it is free to change instructors at just about every lesson - don't like progress, then change. It should be noted that Amanda also did not file a complaint to the school to recover the money, she did not want to provide any additional information about other circumstances, therefore, in general, we consider the complaint to be completely unfounded.

Santa Terpa

25 Jul, 2020

I am thankful without limits to Juris Incenbergs for that I could get my driving licence! In the first lesson, I already understood that we both have the same sense of humour and understanding. When I started to learn in the driving school I was already pregnant, so it was wonderful that together we did this job. Also the attitude was amazing. Also with different kinds of pregnancy miracles, Juris took every single of my mistakes with a smile or a joke. Of course, he also explained the situation so it wouldn't repeat. Thank you, Juris! We will definitely meet you again! 

Valentins Volodins

21 May, 2020

It is not difficult to get the A category, and if you get into the good hands of instructors, it is generally easy! Thanks to Vsevolod for his work and Alexey for his advice!

Lelde Tilko

09 May, 2020

I would like to say a huge thanks to the driving instructor Svetlana Ivasjuta for the invested time and patience in getting me educated. The theory with Svetlana was easy and pleasant but the biggest gratitude I would like to express to Svetlana for the driving lessons where I felt safe and relaxed. I passed the CSDD exams on the first attempt and without any doubts that it could not work out. Thank you! 

Kārlis Gabrilovičs

03 May, 2020

Thanks to Presto for the positive experience to get my A-category driving licence. Interesting theory lectures and nice instructors. I had my driving lessons with each of the driving instructors because I didn't take the classes for some time and then I wanted to catch up as fast as I could, hehe. Most of the time I had my driving lessons with Aleksejs Andrejevs who was preparing me for the CSDD exam as well. A great instructor! I recommend!

Raimonds Vernis

08 Jan, 2020

Thanks to the driving instructor Gints for the excellent driving lessons! I passed the exam on my first attempt. I recommend everyone to turn to him. The school is awesome as well. 

Sveta Šudele

13 Dec, 2019

A huge thanks to the driving instructor Viktors. He is a professional in his field. He is truly interested that you can pass the driving exam. I recommend! 

Kristaps Neviero

22 Oct, 2019

In the beginning, I would like to say a big thanks to the driving school Presto. A super nice driving school. A responsive administration without any hidden costs. The planned course is easy to read and understand. I recommend that everyone choose the instructor Viktorija Krugļicka. I passed the exam with her and I feel pity that I didn't do the trainings with her. A very positive person who can give useful advice. When You will sit in the car with her, the stress will go away and you will feel comfortable. I recommend Presto for everyone and I also recommend choosing Viktorija as your driving instructor as well. I can say without doubt that you will not be mistaken by this choice. That's why thanks again. I will remember this period of my life with good emotions. 

Oksana Lentjušenkova

09 Oct, 2019

I chose this school for its location and the schedule of lessons. I liked that the registration, contract signing and signing up for the lessons can happen electronically which doesn't take a lot of time. A huge thanks to the best driving instructor Viktors Kozlovskis. He always could find the right motivation. That dose of humour which I got in every lesson cheered me up and made me drive even better.

Madara Udalova

07 Oct, 2019

Thanks to the driving instructor D.Eller :) He is a golden instructor with golden advice! He is a professional in his field :) Thank You!

Каспарс Берзинш

01 Oct, 2019

Awesome responsiveness and attitude from the instructor Aleksejs. He is in the right place. He will teach you the theory and how to deal with a motorcycle fully. He will never refuse help. Always choose the driving lessons with instructor Aleksejs in Presto. Thank you. I will recommend Presto also to others. 

Zanda Zālīte

16 Sep, 2019

A very good driving school! The positive thing is that You can do a lot of things electronically. You can even pay electronically - that eases the process and saves you time. There are nice ladies in the administration. Thank you! I will recommend this driving school to others as well! 

Laura Laiviņa

29 Aug, 2019

I chose the driving school "Presto" based on the recommendations of two of my friends who also successfully graduated from this driving school. My first impression of this driving school I got from their webpage. It was pleasant that I could get all the necessary info over there. A big advantage is the big amount of school branches in all of Latvia. It was important for me to learn the theory as close to my home as possible. With Presto it was possible. After passing the theory exam it was necessary to choose the driving instructor. The Presto webpage was helpful with this as well. Over there I could see all the driving instructors, their experience, prices, schedules and the place where I could start my driving lesson. Besides I can also pay for my lessons online. My choice was Zigmārs Jansons because I was sure that I'm gonna need someone from the high-level instructors. I didn't have any experience with the driving before. I had to pass my driving exam with the manual gearbox because our family car is with that. Honestly, the driving lessons were very hard for me. I will be honest - when I was in the middle of my driving training, I thought that driving was not for me and I thought that I would never learn it. However, Zigmārs always found some encouraging words for me. Sometimes I thought that the only thing I am doing is making mistakes but then I realised that it was only because Zigmārs has high requirements for good driving skills. A huge thanks to Zigmārs for his patience, perseverance and professionalism! I am especially thankful for the recommendation to try driving also with other driving instructors to hone my skills at the end of my driving lesson session. That is how I met Sergejs Ivasjuts who was like the last stage in my driving study experience. He helped me to solve the last problems of driving and convinced me that I am driving well. All efforts paid off when I passed the driving exam at the CSDD on the first attempt. I recommend "Presto" to everyone! 

Katrīna Pavlovska

31 Jul, 2019

I'm glad that I chose the driving school Presto! I could enjoy the pleasant attitude of the staff during my learning process. Thank you!

Valters Galss

23 Jul, 2019

A big thanks to the team of Presto! A big thanks to Zigmārs Jansons for his patience to teach me everything from zero. Thanks to Aleksandrs Derjozkins and Viktors Kozlovs for the exam advices! Very responsive teachers and all the staff! I recommend it to everyone who wants to get a B-category driving licence by not spending too much time on that. 

Mikus Cīrulis

15 Jul, 2019

Thanks to Presto for the A category driving licence! Very useful advices from the driving instructors Zigmārs Jansons and Vsevolods Černovs. It is important to pass exams but to feel confident on the roads and not to spoil life for others is even better. A big thanks for that! 

Edijs Umaņecs

14 Jul, 2019

Thanks to the driving school Presto who helped me to meet my goal and dream - to get an A category driving licence. Thanks to Kaspars Kūlainis for the interesting theory course. It was a chance to refresh and also enrich my knowledge. The theory was easy for me. The greatest difficulties I got with the parking. But with every time I felt confident even more. A big thanks to this school for the teaching in the training area as well as on the roads. Thanks to Zigmārs Jansons and Vsevolods Černovs who teached me how to see the road signs timely and knew how to explain the main details in a clear manner as well. 

Imants Ašaks

03 Jul, 2019

Thanks to Presto for the A category driving licence! A special thanks to Larisa Krukovska for the fresh practical knowledge in the theory and also to Zigmārs Jansons who teached me how to brake with ABS in the right way (listen carefuly in the first lesson :) ). Thanks to Vsevolods Černovs and Kristaps, CSDD driving instructor who let me understand that I am moving my head too little in the crossings. It is not enough just to look in the mirror!!! It is very important especially for the motorbike drivers for their own safety. Good luck for everyone to get the A category driving licence :D

Liene Liepiņa

26 Jun, 2019

I can only say all the best about the theory teacher Mārtiņš Pušpurs. A very well-considered plan of the lessons (he is not starting a new topic 30 minutes before end of the lesson), he is giving explanations in simple words. A positive and responsive attitude towards his students. I learnt to drive with 2 instructors - Reinis Bekkers and Elmārs Lazdiņš. I can surely recommend these gentlemen to others as well. Reinis is very accurate and constructive. He doesn't really like to speak unnecessarily and repeat what he already said. He wil make you do, do and do while you will accomplish. He is always in a good mood and he is singing along with the Radio SWH rock. Elmārs, in the other hand, will explain you everything with the biggest pleasure. Not everyone needs it. But for me his explanations were a good use. In his lessons the atmosphere was more relaxed. He is empathetic and simply a good person (I felt very moved by his joy when a student with disability called him to say that he has passed an exam). The only bad thing about Reinis is that it is hard to get a training with him. You gonna need to plan and sign up for his trainings 3 weeks ahead. It is more possible to get a training in the early morning or late evening with Elmārs. I had 2 trainings with Ernests Rudakovs as well. A very nice driving instructor who didn't try to teach me everything in his own way. I tried to pass the school's exam twice - both of the times with women, Jolanta Lazdāne and Viktorija Krugļicka. Jolanta wasn't like a babysitter but also after the exam I had a good mood. She is a lady with a good sense of humour and a very nice character. She explained my mistakes very well and teached some good hacks as well. Every woman who wants to drive ''like men'' or even better needs to learn with her. Viktorija on the other hand is sweet like a sun of the spring - I cannot imagine her blaming or shouting to someone. She checked what I already know and what not in a very accurate way and then let me go to the CSDD exam. It appeared that her intuition is awesome because after 2 days I already wrote her - I passed my CSDD exam with first attempt! Thanks to everyone!

Elīna Ringa

19 Jun, 2019

Thank you Presto ♡♡♡ I will definitely recommend you to others ☆☆☆

A big thanks to the theory teacher Ivans Kločkovs for a nice theory course. I passed my CSDD exam on the first attempt. And a huge thanks to the nice instructors - Rihards Kalniņš, Jolanta Lazdāne and Sergejs Germans. You helped me a lot and now I have a driving licence. :-* :-* :-*

Rita Maceičuka

25 May, 2019

Thanks to the driving school Presto. A special thanks to the teacher Aivars Topfers and the driving instructor Sergejs Ivasjuts. I recommend the driving school Presto for everyone 100 % because you gonna save your precious time. 

Jūlija Kondratjeva

12 May, 2019

I also got the licence and passed the CSDD exams on my second attempt.

Linards Jukmanis

10 May, 2019

Thanks to the Presto team for the lessons which lead me to have new cards with the letter A and B. :) Without any rush, I passed all the CSDD exams on my first attempt. A wonderful administration staff, intelligent teachers and a big selection of driving instructors. I highly value the possibility to do the registration and paying bills online. I hate to walk around many places just to do the bureaucracy. It gives pleasure that Presto is using the possibilities of the 21st century. The only constructive critics I could say are about the airless situation in theory lessons at the Presto in the centre. But as they recently changed the location, it may not be a problem anymore. 

Sandra Liepa

11 Apr, 2019

Finally, finally, finally... FINALLY today I got my driving licence! A sincere thanks to Presto! :) Thanks to the awesome theory teacher Mārtiņš with whose teaching tactics I passed the school's and CSDD theory exam with first attempt! Then I would like to say thanks to the awesome, joyful and positive driving instructor Ivo! I drove my last 10 driving lessons with him! Thanks for his strong patience :D Then I was driving with Viktorija - an awesome driving instructor! She is also very positive, talkative and open minded. My school exam I passed with the teacher Gints. Thanks for taking my exam and thanks for showing my mistakes. It was useful to pass my CSDD driving exam later on. :) I passed my drivng exam in CSDD with third attempt. I didn't give up till the end :D I am happy that I finally got my driving licence. Thanks again, you awesome people! :)

Kārlis Zenne

30 Mar, 2019

I had never thought that getting a driving licence could be so easy and comfortable. From the first theory lesson to the CSDD B category driving exam, I spent 1 and a half months. A huge thanks to Presto for that. First of all, I was happily surprised that most of the administrative things I could do electronically. A very useful thing was that I could sign up for my driving lessons online as well. I really found it useful because of my tight schedule. Secondly, a huge thanks to the responsive and professional Presto staff - the theory teacher Mārtiņš, the outstanding driving instructor Sergejs as well as Zigmārs, Ivo, Rauls, Elmārs and all the administration staff who always tried to find an individual way of communication and helped as much as they could. The only thing I didn't like was the long queue for the theory exam. But as they told me in the administration office it is going to be solved soon when the computer class will open. In general, I recommend Presto for everyone who needs a driving licence. Thanks again. :)

Igors Sceglovs

15 Jan, 2019

Oh, my God - I passed the school exam!!! It's real!!! :)))) My advice - be attentive on the road, and don't let your emotions control you. Pay the biggest attention to the warning signs, especially when need to turn right!!! I wish you all the best!

I started my training on the 1st of November 2018, I got my driving licence on the 25th of January 2019. 2,5 months! I was learning to drive with Z~akirs, many thanks for the training. I passed the CSDD exams on my first attempt.  It is a good driving school, and I wish you luck and success!

Rolands Vanadziņš

04 Dec, 2018

As I already promised, I will write a review after getting the driving licence. I got my licence in early October. When I started my theory lessons I asked Mārtiņš - how fast could I really get it if I will do it in an operative manner. He said that I could get it in less than 2 months. Everything happen smoothly with Presto because I had the theory classes 3 times per week. But the driving lessons I started only in early September because I couldn't combine everything. I drove with many driving instructors - Ivo, Reinis, Igors, Arkādijs and I passed my exam with Regnārs. The most important thing for me was that all the instructors could be available in my spare time, and I did not have to stick to 1 instructor. There is a big choice in Presto. The most important thing is to plan everything timely. All of the instructors were good. I could learn a little bit from each of them. For those who are getting offended easily, it can be different because Ivo is sometimes teaching with some harsh words as well. Overall I started everything from zero. I had not driven on the right side of the road even with a motorcycle. I didn't pass the CSDD exam on the first attempt but together with the school's driving lessons, exam and the CSDD exams, it appears that I drove in 15 trainings. As the driving instructor of Presto taught me well, then everything went on quite fast. One thing which I didn't like was the school's theory exam. As I took the exam at the end of August and there was a chance to do it only twice a week, there were big queues. Probably there is not that kind of queues in other seasons. I think I passed my school's theory exam on the 4th attempt. The theory exam of CSDD I passed on the first attempt the very next day. Probably I would suggest changing something with the school's theory exam. Thanks to all the staff of Presto and good luck to others! 

Irma Klusa

22 Nov, 2018

I am thankful to all staff of Presto that I could get my driving licence in my senior years. I am very thankful to Zigmārs Jansons and Viktors Kozlovskis who was patient enough to teach me that I can drive safely even in my senior years - my dream came true.

Jurģis Eizengrauds

16 Oct, 2018

Thanks to the staff of this driving school. A special thanks to the driving instructor Zigmārs. I got my A-category driving licence. More complicated is to get a good timing for the CSDD exam than to learn with Zigmārs everything I need to know to actually pass the exam. 

Viktors Vašečkins

20 Sep, 2018

I would like to say thanks to Zigmārs. I have been learning with many instructors but only Zigmārs really wanted to teach me something. Thanks to him I passed all the driving exams. Although his time is precious, he is very demanding and he wants that everything is perfect. Thank you! Thanks also to Viktors K. He is a very good driving instructor who helped me to learn the last steps for going to the exam.  Thanks to the school administration. They are very responsive and kind. Really nice ladies. I just hope we are not gonna meet again (in a good meaning) :)

Jānis Leikučs

18 Sep, 2018

The only negative thing in this driving school is that they want that you pass the theory exam in CSDD in a very short period of time after passing the school exam (maximum 5 working days) plus 3 days. Besides you can have only 1 mistake in the theory exam of the school. There is a bigger limit in other driving schools. It is very strict but I value it in a positive way. While trying to get my licence, in A category theory lessons I learnt the idea of how to ride over the speed breaker. Nice. Everything happens electronically (except the theory and driving lessons). It is very convenient for those who live near Riga. Very amiable ladies in the administration office.

Edgars Vaikulis

30 Aug, 2018

While the positive emotions haven't gone away, I would like to say A HUGE THANKS (!!!) to all staff of the Presto for the A category training and the driving licence. The feeling is the same as I would have graduated from a university. Since on my driving licence I could see the letter A under my photo I am in a good mood. Thanks to you, I did everything I started but haven't accomplished more than 10 years ago. Naturally. Only the driving instructor Zigmārs Jansons could teach how to really RIDE a motorcycle to a freak like me who could only barely MOVE with a motorcycle before. Thanks to Vsevolods Černovs as well because he trusted to let me do the CSDD driving exam despite my unconvincing performance at the school's exam (I had a hard day). I didn't disappoint him and the CSDD exam I passed on the very first attempt. He was as good as the theory teacher Kaspars Kūlainis, the first aid teacher (I forgot her name but she was very cool as she was telling great stories about the hardest situations working in the ambulance) and of course staff of the administration office who were always helpful and responsive. The quality of Presto really is the same as you can read in the positive reviews. Also as you can see the excellent results in the statistics of CSDD is real. Good luck in the future!

Anna Audere

23 Aug, 2018

If someone had said that one day I was going to drive a car, I wouldn't have believed it. The tearful stories about dishonest driving schools, boring lectures and greedy driving instructors didn't give me any motivation to try it myself. It's good that I apply for the training in the driving school Presto because I met nice administrators, an exciting lector and also a calm and positive driving instructor. I am thankful for the collaboration and I think that ''Presto'' really deserves a label - the best driving school in Latvia!

Armands Supe

20 Jul, 2018

Goodness multiplies goodness. That's why I don't need to search for good words for the Presto team - a huge thanks for the A-category learning process! Professional and responsive administration staff. I got all the information I needed. Not spending too much time I could put my e-signature on the agreement. The theory lessons with Aivars Topfers were meaningful, useful and fulfilled with examples from real life. As a result, I passed the school and CSDD exams without any mistakes. As I didn't have any experience with motorcycles before, my biggest fear was practical driving lessons. I signed up for my driving lessons with Zigmārs Jansons. After the first lesson, my fear was gone. Zigmārs in a patient and intelligent way showed my mistakes, so I could understand and solve them easily. He prepared me for the exam as well as for driving in everyday life. The result - I passed the driving exam on the first attempt and I got my long-awaited A-category driving licence. Thank you.

Darja Gusakova

18 Jul, 2018

I want to say thanks to ''Presto'' not only for the knowledge but also for help and support during the learning process. A special thanks I would like to say to the administration for their moral support. Also, I would like to say thanks to the driving instructors, especially to Jānis Kundziņš. To driving lessons, I went with pleasure. I would like to recommend this driving school also to other young drivers! 

Anita Munda

14 Jul, 2018

Rita, Gunita! You all are the best! Don't doubt it! :) Presto is very lucky to have you!!! :) 

Rūdolfs Pētersons

13 Jul, 2018

Of course, a huge thanks that I got to be taught in a way that I could pass all exams without any additional expenses. I passed all the exams with first attempt. I must say that this cooperation could be even better if it wouldn't take so much time. To get back the lesson which I missed took a long time because there wasn't any precise information about when it could be done. There were more classes than it supposed to be. But it is not the biggest problem. The biggest imperfection is that Presto doesn't have enough driving instructors. To get a driving lesson I needed to plan it 2 weeks forward. But I can definitely say thanks to my driving instructor Ivo who taught me everything in a correct manner. Thank you. 

Kaspars Roznieks

28 Jun, 2018

Thanks to Presto team for the A category licence. Cool, positive and responsive girls from the administration office. The teacher Kaspars teached me the theory in a short time and unformal atmosphere. The driving instructors Vsevolods and Zigmārs teached me how to drive professionally, so I could not only pass the exam but I could also drive safely on the streets. They were useful advices which I will remember always and which I am using already. With a peaceful heart I recommend Presto for everyone who are still thinking where to get their driving licence. 

Дмитрийс Трофимовс

30 May, 2018

Очень хорошая автошкола! Учился у Ивана Клочкова, очень приятный человек, который также доходчиво объяснит каждому. Вождению учился у Закира Алекперова, профессионал в своём деле, человек имеющий большой стаж вождения и преподовательскому опыту свыше 10 лет, он точно знает как добиться нужного результата быстро и установить хороший контакт с курсантом! Главное найти хорошего преподователя, бывают и неприятные люди. Удачи в обучении!

Anita Munda

27 Mar, 2018

First person with whom I was honoured to meet the administrator Gunita. First of all she has a nice intonation of voice. Secondly, she is responsive, responsible, precise, competent and a person with positive way of thinking. It is a pleasure to build a communication with that kind of people. Thanks to Gunita for the very fast responses. Respectfully, Anita.

Ēriks Līnis

14 Mar, 2018

Hello there. If you want to get a driving licence, then search for the nice ladies who are rolling in the administration office. And if You will be lucky to study with Zigmārs Jansons, then probably very soon you gonna get the driving licence. Good luck for everyone!

Sintija Brese

07 Mar, 2018

I got my driving licence thanks to the driving school Presto. I really liked that I could do everything through the internet - sign the contract and pay for my trainings. I would give a medal to the driving instructor Jānis Kundziņš because he teached how to drive to a person who was afraid of the traffic and who said that he doesn't need it. I even had an instinct to close my eyes and stretch arms by the fear while driving. Now I have overcome it. And I am even driving with my own car. I also drove with Regnārs Grudulis - also a nice driving instructor. He also teached me how to overcome my fear and worked with the things which I wasn't good with. One time I went to the driving instructor Rauls. I went to try another car. It was the worst driving lesson in my life. He offended me and told me that my driving skills are zero. He is raising his voice and puts you in the stress and tears. After this lesson I appreciated calm and peaceful Jānis even more.

Ilya Savelyev

27 Feb, 2018

I wrote to 3 of the most popular driving schools in Riga - I asked about the first steps to take. The first one who answered was Presto. A person named Gunita called me. She was in a good mood and with a wonderful attitude. We talked through the main things which she sent to my e-mail as well. The rest of the driving schools also answered but only in the e-mail and in a very poor way. And where do you think I will go to get my driving licence?! Thanks to Presto. 

Gusts Matīss Čeirāns

16 Feb, 2018

The story about this driving school is quite interesting. A several years ago when I didn't have cars or a driving licence in my mind, my father was filling the Presto online tests (although he already had many categories for more than 30 years). For his tempo, preciseness and the 1st place he got a prize. But the thing was that he didn't even learn or prepare for something :D As the time went by he recommended me this driving school. I didn't get the same results as my father who did all the exams perfectly but the CSDD exams I passed with first attempt. I got through all of this process fastly. Now I think it would be interesting to drive with an instructor again - what would he say now? Pepople over there are kind and pleasant.

Kristaps Prančs

22 Dec, 2017

Finally it is also my turn to add a review. :) First I would like to say a huge thanks to all the staff of Presto. I never needed to think what it will be if it will be. If I had some questions or something unclear - I asked to administration. The staff was always kind and responsive. I would like to say a huge thanks to Zigmārs Jansons for the fun and at the same time serious theory lessons. If You wouldn't ''tame'' us like that then we would have much less knowledge and understanding in the theory. Thanks to Zigmārs I felt very freely on the roads because I knew all the things which he teached. From the driving lessons I need to say thanks to 3 wonderful driving instructors: Regnārs Grundulis, who teached me the basics from the zero; Reinis Bekkers, who ''tamed'' me through all the streets; Jolanta Lazdāne - everything what I haven't understand from the theory lessons, she explained me in a clearly way. About these driving instructors I will write other reviews - 1 about each of them because I have many things to say about all of them. :) Clearly a huge thanks to everyone for the support and the faith that I can do it. :) I would definitely recommend this driving school to everyone because with that kind of system as it is in Presto You can always ask and deal with everything. Thank You! :)

Liene Andersone

21 Dec, 2017

Thanks to Jolanta Lazdāne. I passed my driving exam with first attempt. I recommend to learn with her also to others. She is patient and responsive. Thanks again to Jolanta Lazdāne. 

Anita Munda

12 Dec, 2017

I will definitely write a review when I will get the driving licence! ;-)

Dzintars Dīķis

29 Nov, 2017

A very good driving school. After 2 months I got the driving licence in my pocket. A big thanks to Zigmārs and especially Mārtiņš. Very good driving instructors. They teached me useful things which I will use in my further driving. I recommend this driving school. You will not regret it! 

Kristaps Loza

28 Nov, 2017

It is really a modern and responsive driving school. Although the school's theory exam I passed with 4th attempt, all the other exams I passed with a first one. Thanks to Reinis Bekkers for his patience and all of the awesome driving lessons! I really recommend! 

Elza Anna Pole

08 Nov, 2017

I recommend Presto for everyone - a nice, well-planned and responsive driving school. 4 months and I got my driving licence without any problems. A huge thanks to the theory teacher Andrejs Kagainis and the driving instructor Reinis Bekkers for their invested job and lessons who were always positive! 

Sindija Pasternaka

31 Oct, 2017

I'm glad that I chose the driving school Presto. Nice teachers, nice driving instructors and nice administration ladies. 10/10! :)

Judīte Kalna

15 Oct, 2017

The biggest gratitude I would like to say to Zigmārs and Mārtiņš as well. Mārtiņš wasn't my instructor but he helped me a lot and gave advice anyway! I got my A-category driving licence fast and successfully. I would like to emphasize the welcoming attitude and responsiveness. I needed to get my driving licence in a short period of time and I could get it especially because of these 2 things. Zigmārs saw which are my good and the bad sides so we could work with them. I could see it clearly at the exam because the examinator said everything the same as Zigmārs was telling me before. There wasn't any unuseful training lesson. Even I wanted to drive more. I really had a feeling that the fact that I will get my A2 category driving licence was as important to me as well as my driving instructor. Thanks again! I will definitely recommend choosing this driving school to others as well!

Ieva Arnte

06 Oct, 2017

I got my A-category licence! A beautiful endind of the golden autumn season. A huge thanks to Zigmārs for that he could teach me how to park the car almost perfectly. Zigmārs knew what to say at the right time, so I could believe in myself and do the right thing on the streets. The intelligence and a calm, positive and friendly attitude. These qualities can make me recommend Zigmārs Jansons as the best instructor also for others!!! Thank you and good luck!

Arno Kigels

11 Aug, 2017

Thanks to teacher Dzintra Mikolone for the interesting theory course. I was learning to drive with many instructors but the main one from whom I learned is Elmārs Lazdiņš. He is very calm and patient. He can teach to drive to everyone, also those who has already learned to drive but in a wrong way. He will listen and understand every student's individual problem. He will find the right way to communicate and make you believe that every person can learn how to drive. Thanks to him!

Mārtiņš Pēteris Barkāns

10 Aug, 2017

Thanks to driving school Presto and its responsive and welcoming team. A special thanks I would like to say to Mārtiņš Pušpurs and the driving instructor Jānis Kundziņš who helped me to get a driving licence with a minimal ammount of driving lessons. 

Agnese Ozoliņa

27 Jun, 2017

A very good driving school. Welcoming, responsive and professional driving instructors. They motivate you for not giving up and they are interested to really teach you something. A special thanks to Jānis Kundziņš. 

Visvaldis Janelis

15 Jun, 2017

Thanks to driving school Presto! Also a huge thanks to Rauls Eglītis and Renārs Grudulis. They are very motivated driving instructors. They will teach how to drive to beginners as well as the drivers with some experience. I can say that Mārtiņš Urtāns lacks the motivation to teach driving to students. He would need to think about it, otherwise students need to spend too much effort for that. Good luck to the new drivers! 

Presto Autoskola

15 Jun, 2017

Visvaldi, paldies, ka izvēlējies Presto un novērtēji iespēju braukt uzreiz pie vairākiem instruktoriem!

Kaspars Eglītis

11 May, 2017

I was learning the A category with Kaspars Kūlainis. With good discussions and without boredom we went trough all the topics. Then I went to driving instructor Valters Prikulis. I can only say all the best about him. Yeah, Valters is a bit harsh, very concrete in his way of speaking. Thanks to that my mind started to work differently in the situations which I didn't recognize before. All the 10 years knowledge of B category he turns in a right way. He also teaches some practical things - how to fill up the fuel in a better way and how to act in different kind of situations in life. We all need to remember that exams are only the first step. After that we gonna have many years as motorcycle drivers. Wrongly taught first lessons can be as an obstacle to truly enjoy driving in a safe way. If you want that the instructor is nice and caring then Valters will not be your right choice. But if you want to pass exams with first attempts like I did, then he will be the right choice.

Simona Klodža

18 Apr, 2017

It wasn't easy for me to get the driving licence but now it is in my pocket. Thanks to the teacher Kaspars Kūlainis who put everything in the right place and explained everything, so that it stays in memory and I could pass my theory exam with first attempt. Although during my driving lesson session I needed to change my driving instructor, I was happy that it happen and I chose to learn with Rauls Eglītis. He teached me how to drive safely and understand the rules on the road. He wants to see development and if You are determined enough, you can get it. He is happy about every succesful session. He also analyses mistakes so that you can think about them and not let them in your way in the next session. A huge thanks! It wasn't simple with me but we fought and didn't give up. The ressult was pleasant - the exam was passed with first attempt. 

Andris Ārgalis

18 Apr, 2017

I'm glad that there are very professional and nice driving instructors in Presto! I started my driving lessons with Aivars Skrastiņš who gave me the basic knowledge, also a strong base of the rules. Then the last lessons I took with Rauls Eglītis who improved my driving dynamics and attention. I passed my CSDD driving exam with first attempt! Thank you! :)

Laura Zone

18 Apr, 2017

Although it was hard with the school's driving exam I passed the CSDD exam with first attempt. A huge thanks to Ingars, Regnārs and Zigmārs for their invested work and patience during the learning process. All these 3 gentlemen are professionals at their field. They can teach driving to every student. 

Māris Skrīvelis

14 Apr, 2017

Instructors for me are like superheroes. They will use their sense of humoru as well as the pencil and paper but the B category they will teach at all costs. If you have any doubts, just need to have a little courage to ask. Everything will be explained. I am grateful for this driving school! :)

Ruslans Burmistrs

06 Apr, 2017

I got my B category driving licence without problems. I recommend Ingars as a driving instructor.

Roberts Miglans

29 Mar, 2017

The A-category teacher Kaspars Kūlainis is very intelligent. All the lessons mostly are like discussions, so everyone can fill their knowledge gaps in an effective way. Thank you! 

Sintija Veinberga Klimane

23 Mar, 2017

Hi to everyone who is reading reviews! I wanted to say a huge, huge thanks to this school. This driving school is really responsive to all the questions. I had a wonderful theory teacher, so the CSDD theory exam I passed on the first attempt. The driving instructor Reinis Bekers is an awesome instructor. He is very popular among students, so you need to sign up for his lessons in due time if you want to learn with him. When I couldn't get to learn with him, I signed up for the driving instructor Zigmārs who also was excellent in his field. They both complemented each other and gave me rich driving skills. I am very happy that Reinis has a new car now, just like the one in CSDD exam. He deserves that. I will definitely recommend this driving school to everyone who will have an interest in finding out which is the best driving school. Good luck to every student!

Georgijs Reimartus

20 Mar, 2017

Some months have gone by since I got my driving licence. It's a pleasure that the school is developing. I can only recommend this school if someone just now is searching for where to get the licence. The administration is very welcoming. If I didn't understand anything, they gave answers fast. Probably the hardest was the theory exam of school. But if you will be responsible enough, then you will get through it. For unknown obstacles I had even 3 theory teachers. I can only say all the best about them all. All the other driving categories which I'm gonna need I'm gonna try to get by this driving school.

Saivis Kalniņš

20 Mar, 2017

I want to commend driving instructor Mārtiņš Urtāns. He is a calm person, who explains everything very well. He has a good sense of humour as well. I am going to his lessons with pleasure. 

Andris Gailums

25 Feb, 2017

I got my driving licence on the first attempt, without any problems. Thanks to Dzintra Mikolāne for the theory courses. They were very useful. A better driving school than Presto you will not find anywhere. The driving instructors are the best!

Krista Irbe

24 Feb, 2017

Thank you, thank you and again thank you Viktors Kozlovskis and Zigmārs Jansons for your job, patience, sense of humour and instructions. Thanks to all that I already got a driving licence in my pocket! I have already recommended it to all of my friends and acquaintances to choose the driving school Presto!

Zane Kauliņa

28 Jan, 2017

I am happy that I chose exactly this driving school. Yesterday I got my driving licence! :) Thats why I want to say a huge thanks to my teachers - theory teacher Elena Dāvidsone and the awesome driving instructors Zigmārs Jansons and Viktors Kozlovskis. 

irma klusa

12 Jan, 2017

I am about to learn how to drive. It is winter, the roads are full of snow and there is black ice on them. I rely on the driving instructor Viktors. I am thankful for his honesty that it will not be really easy for him to teach me how to drive in these circumstances.

Indra Jansone

31 Dec, 2016

Good evening on New Year's Eve! A big work has been done but I got my driving licence just before Christmas! Thanks to the driving instructor Jolanta for her patience, knowledge, work and the joy which she brought to our training. 

Elīna Šuriņa

15 Dec, 2016

3 months and I got my driving licence today! A huge thanks to Viktors!

Kaspar Grat

14 Dec, 2016

I liked everything in general. They gave me a good driving instructor. He explained everything in a peaceful way even when I did some stupid mistakes. It was harder to pass the school's theory exam for me. But that's why I passed it on the first attempt in CSDD. I was the first who got the driving licence in my class. Thanks to my driving instructor Zakirs.

Emins Bagirovs

14 Dec, 2016

A quite good driving school. They are teaching exactly the things which are useful for CSDD exams afterwards. The theory exam online is easy to understand (for example commas are not switched for you to fail it). It was also a surprise that after I got first place in the theory exam online, they gave me a 50 euro gift card which I used for my driving lessons. A big thanks to Zakirs for the driving lessons. I passed the exams on the first attempt. 

Aivars Bruža

18 Dec, 2015

I don't want to praise or criticize anyone. But I am saying a huge thanks for the driving licence. It was a correct and fair attitude towards me. I'm gonna say honestly - the driving school driving exam I passed on the fourth attempt but the CSDD theory exam I passed without any problem. The driving instructor Rolands Sala is teaching how to drive in real life. I passed the CSDD driving exam without any problems. Thanks for everything. All the other categories I am going to need I will come to get in this driving school.


06 Nov, 2015

It is Kaspars Kūlainis and Valters Prikulis fault that I got my driving licence in the A category. It's awesome! I will no longer have to watch from the sidelines to the ''heralds of the spring''. :) Kaspars had a phrase: ''let's meet on the roads'' and Valters had a recommendation ''Speed the gas!'' A huge thanks to You! So, Valters and Kaspars, let's meet in the season of motorbikes! 

Iluta Amoliņa

09 Oct, 2015

Awesome driving school! :) I really liked it! The teacher Andrejs Kagainis is really awesome. He is explaining everything very nicely with a good sense of humour. I could understand everything and it was easy to learn! Thanks to him! :)  I will recommend this driving school to everyone! :) Good luck to you, Presto!


+ instructor Reinis is excellent :) ..very uderstanding, patient.

Gatis Kopmanis

29 Sep, 2015

Thanks to this driving school. In 2 months period, I got my driving licence. A huge thanks to my teacher Mārtiņš Pušpurs for what he taught me and for explaining everything. Thank you.

Iveta Lazdiņa(Tamulione)

05 Sep, 2015

Yesterday I passed the driving exam on the first attempt! A huge thanks to instructor Valters that he was patient. Instructor Mārtiņš from Jēkabpils said that it was a miracle that someone could teach me how to drive. Although the examiner said that I am reliable and fast on the road. 

Iveta Lazdiņa(Tamulione)

02 Sep, 2015

An awesome driving school! The start was difficult. I was thinking I am not gonna learn how to ride a motorcycle. Thanks to instructor Valters I am ready to pass my driving exam on the 5th of September! He is very patient and helpful. He explained every mistake I did. A big thanks to the staff of the driving school for the chance to get an A-category driving licence. You are a great team! I agree with what Valters said, "Train, train and again train"! 

Kristīne Balode

27 Jul, 2015

Thanks to this driving school in 1 and a half months time I got my driving licence. I learnt the theory in 2 weeks. All exams I passed on my first attempt. The attitude was very nice. It was a pleasure to go to every theory and driving lesson. The biggest regards I would like to give to the instructor Rolands because he taught me how to feel safe on the road and how to drive dynamically. He was very understanding and welcoming. Really a very good instructor. I can only say all the best about him. :) 

Ivars Braža

18 Jun, 2015

I started my studies on the 28th of May. Since the 10th of June, I am enjoying full rights to be a part of the traffic. I passed all exams on first attempt. Thanks to this driving school.

Elīna Garā

06 Jun, 2015

Awesome! A huge thanks to You all! 3 months and I got my driving licence!

Laima Pontāga

14 May, 2015

The school is awesome. The attitude is very nice. They are teaching theory in a very interesting way. I passed the CSDD exams on the first attempt and I got my licence in 2 months period. Thank you!

Vladislavs Jakušonoks

14 May, 2015

Thanks to this driving school I spend a very good time while learning theory and driving. A big thanks to instructor Gints. All respect. Thanks for understanding all my mistakes and helping to solve them. A big thanks to the instructor Zigmārs for the driving lessons. And a big thanks to Dzintra for the theory lessons. I recommend this driving school.

Sintija Laugale

07 May, 2015

The biggest gratitude I would like to extend to Aivars Skrastiņš who taught me how to be on the street in a safe way. Especially with his help I got my driving licence. Thank you. I really recommend this driving instructor to others as well. Especially for those who by different kind of reasons didn't get their driving licence yet. Thank you, Aivar!

Mārtiņš Dovmanis

20 Nov, 2014

A good driving school. I cannot say any bad word about it. I got my driving licence in 2 months.

Aigars Armstrong

15 Oct, 2014

The CSDD statistics of Presto don't lie - I passed the theory exam on the first attempt. There is a driving test ahead. 

Ramons ramonso

11 Aug, 2014

Presto>ZIGMĀRS the best!! Believe me, Zigmārs is very talented. It was very pleasant to listen to his lectures for me and even my 5-year-old son. Thank you for the code 95!!! Here are the pictures which I promised: 

Ģirts Miķelsons

05 Aug, 2014

Thank you for the lessons. This is a driving school with knowing theory teachers and very good driving instructors. Thanks to that I got my A category licence on the first attempt and without mistakes.

Andis AnDis

05 Aug, 2014

I am grateful to this driving school for the support and the speed. Before this school I wasn't driving with anyone. I took 9 driving lessons. There are theory teachers and driving instructors full with knowledge. Thank you.

Rolands Levics

22 Jul, 2014

An amazing driving school! I got my A-category driving licence in a month and a half months time. I had not ridden a motorcycle before this driving school. I totally recommend learning how to drive by the Valters Prikulis guidance. He is rich in experience, wise, responsive and welcoming. He knows what really is a motorcycle and how to take care of it! I was driving excellently through the city during my driving exam. It could be possible only because of my driving instructor's well-made routes while I was learning. There wasn't any place where I haven't been before thanks to my instructor.  Thank you. :)

Helmuts Hell-miss

18 Jul, 2014

I think to start a motorcycle and to draw "a sun" with it can do any guy. Zigmārs taught me how to ride a motorcycle, how to ride safely, confidently and by the rules in the traffic. He also taught me how to turn on my brain and think a little bit faster than it's necessary while driving a car. 

I met Aivars when I was attending the theory classes in C and A categories. Aivars is giving new insight into traffic regulations and why we need them. He also gave me a perfect comprehension of the vehicle "food chain". :) Now I already know 2 experts in their field to recommend - Zigmārs and Aivars.

2011BIRR .

17 Jul, 2014

Thanks to Zigmārs Jansons for the excellent A-category lessons. He is a great teacher! Empathetic, concrete, calm, patient and with the necessary sense of humour! If all the teachers would be like him... In a short time, he taught me how to drive, orient and pass the theory exam as well as the driving exam. I am very grateful to You, Zigmārs. Thank You!

Kaspars Peisenieks

12 Jun, 2014

The only moto school, that provided normal timings and compact theory lessons already at the end of the winter. Thanks to Zigmārs Jansons for the practical lessons. I got my driving licence quite fast if I look back to the first time I got on the bike. Zigmārs taught me how not to break the bike which was very useful also later when I started to drive on my own. If You have a plan to get an A-category licence, for the driving lessons I recommend Zigmārs! Thank You!

Artem Zavadsky

03 Jun, 2014

I was training with Zigmārs to get the A-category licence. This was the first time that I got on a motorcycle, and only after 1,5 months I already got my driver's licence. During the training period, I gained confidence in riding a motorcycle. Right now I am no longer afraid to ride on a motorcycle in the city. I would like to express my gratitude to Zigmārs for his patience. I passed the CSDD exam on my third attempt but the failure did not bring me down and I continued working, as you can see, right now I have a driver's licence in my pocket.   

Janis Zarins

30 May, 2014

Thanks to Zigmārs Jansons for his effort and help to teach me how to ride a motorcycle from zero and to get the A category driving licence at the end. He has a nice attitude. I recommend! 


Jānis Zunde

13 May, 2014

Thanks to the driving school Presto and their instructor Zigmārs Jansons for the professional training. I learnt how to drive the motorcycle and I passed the driving exam without mistakes. Thanks again :)

Agnese Jākobsone

12 Apr, 2014

I got my driving licence on the first attempt. Special thanks to the best of the best - teacher/instructor Aivars Skrastiņš. 

Ksenija Roma

13 Mar, 2014

I finally passed the CSDD driving test! Thanks to the driving school and my driving instructor for Your patience, without you, I could not have done it. 

Mareks Sorokins

13 Mar, 2014

A great training, I got my driving licence,  passed all exams on the first attempt. Thanks to the driving school. 

Māris Skuja

27 Feb, 2014

Thanks to the driving school Presto for their patience... ;) 

Laura Vebere

24 Feb, 2014

Before coming to get the driving licence in Presto, I was trying to get it in another popular driving school. As I didn’t understand the theory lessons very well over there I considered not going to the driving lessons as well. In the driving school Presto I was finally studying with comprehension and interest. Thanks to the theory lecturer Aivars Skrastiņš the theory lessons got a different meaning. I like that unlike the other driving schools in this school the teachers are showing how to respect other drivers rather than behave like the only king on the road.

Edgars F.

01 Oct, 2013

I was training to get the category A. A huge thanks to the team of driving school!!!! I am extremely happy that I chose exactly this driving school!!! I got all the knowledge I needed because of this school!! After all, "PRESTO" does meet all the expectations for high-quality driver training: driving instructors are experienced, and theory professor Aivars is wonderful ... Thank you, "PRESTO"!!!! I wish you prosperity!!! And more talented and happier trainees!!! I would like to give a special thanks to my instructor Zigmārs!!! Not only is he an experienced instructor but also a pleasant companion and a responsible person!!! Thanks to him for everything!!!!

Hugo Diegs

04 Sep, 2013

Renovated classrooms in the centre of Riga. Nice ladies in the school's office. There are theory teachers full of knowledge. In this driving school, you will also get almost new motorcycles to train with. And Zigmārs... With this kind of combination, the result can be only one: theory and driving exams are passed on the first attempt and without mistakes. Good words from the CSDD examinator and now my way to fulfill my dreams is open! I'm totally serious, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen! Before searching any further, call Presto and make a visit with Zigmārs. You will not regret it! I promise! Good luck to everyone! Let's meet on the roads!

Konstantin Kislitsyn

01 Sep, 2013

While I was learning, I had mistakes in theory and driving praxis but Presto and Zigmārs prepared me enough, so I didn't have any mistakes in the theory and driving exam :) I will recommend Presto to everyone. Many many thanks!

Kurbads666 .

24 Jul, 2013

A category. I started totally from zero, without any prior knowledge about motorcycles! Less than a month and I got my driving licence! The driving instructor Zigmārs is strict but at the same time friendly. He can say the main things in a short form, without any verbiage. With 8 obligatory driving lessons, it wasn't enough. In real life, you probably gonna need to double it! But then all the exams will be passed on the first attempt. Thank you, Presto!

Jānis Vīndedzis

20 Jul, 2013

Both - the theory and the driving exam in CSDD passed on the first attempt! Thanks to this driving school! ;)

Raimonds Frēlihs

12 Jul, 2013

I have got my A-category licence in my hand! Everything was awesome! A huge thanks. Let the auto-moto driving school thrive and give more fruits! If someone is thinking about where to get a driving licence - I recommend this school!

Martins Mackevics

21 Jun, 2013

I got my A-category driving licence in 26 days. Everything was awesome. I didn't have too many driving lessons, approximately 7. All exams I passed on the first attempt. The driving instructor Zigmārs explains everything in a peaceful and nice way. Without unnecessary stress. I really recommend. 

Maija Blodone

02 Nov, 2012

I was learning the A category in the driving school Presto. A very modern school - with skilled staff. I had a very nice teacher with a good sense of humour who knew how to explain the most incomprehensible theory questions. Also the practical lessons were very fulfilled with an individual approach. Good luck to this school! 

Rolands Jansons

13 Oct, 2012

A good atmosphere is one of the main criteria in the study process. I have been in different kinds of driving schools and I was wondering how a person can learn in that kind of atmosphere :( Recently I was in the driving school Presto and I can surely say that there everything is at a high level. :) Good luck to the driving school Presto! :)

Māris Andersons

08 Oct, 2012

They will really teach You something. They are not working just to take Your money. 

Maruta Sīmane

25 Sep, 2012

It wasn't easy for me to learn how to park the car. I liked that my driving instructor taught me how to drive in real life, not only between columns and imaginary cars and garages. To park the car in parallel I learned by parking it between 2 expensive cars in the old town. Then it was a silly thing to do the same in the training area. 

Modris Somins

08 Sep, 2012

My girlfriend is excited about Presto. I got my driving licence in a different driving school 4 years ago. I was lucky with my driving instructor. When my girlfriend wanted to get the licence I was looking for the same driving instructor and it appeared that he changed his working place to Presto. That's why my girlfriend started her course in this driving school. She got her driving licence in less than 2 months. 

Rūdis Saims

30 Aug, 2012

My wife got her licence in a different driving school. But it didn't mean that she really learnt how to drive. She couldn't even pick up children from school because she was afraid to drive in the streets of Riga alone. We took a driving course in Presto - they taught her how to drive with confidence. 

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